Sandbox page New York State Snow Survey Maps US Regional Maps - Recent Precipitation and TemperatureACIS Climate MapsNortheast and Northeast State Temperature, Precipitation, and Snowfall MapsSoils RevealedNortheast Climate Normals MapsNortheast Climate Normal Difference MapsACIS Climate Maps GIS PortalSusquehanna Inundation MapsFEMA Flood Map Changes ViewerNYC Flood Hazard MapperFloodView: Flood Event ViewerFEMA Flood Map Service CenterFlood Remediation in the Outer Boroughs of NYCCoastal Risk Screening Tool: Affordable HousingStorm Surge Inundation MapSurging Seas Risk Zone Map: New YorkSea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts ViewerScenic Hudson Sea Level Rise MapperPreliminary Coastal Hazards Composite Risk Map - New York State Coastal ZoneCoastal Resilience: New YorkCoastal New York Future Floodplain MapperSea Level Rise Projection ToolProtecting the PathwaysThe Energy Sector's Vulnerabilities to Climatic ConditionsPotential Energy Disruptions from WildfiresEnergy Infrastructure Disruptions MapsDistributed Energy Resources in New York StateEnergy Infrastructure and Resources MapsBiopower AtlasGeothermal ProspectorNYC Hurricane Evacuation Zone Fire and Smoke MapHeat Vulnerability Index for New York StateHeat Vulnerability in Westchester CountyCounty Heat Vulnerability Maps for New York StateNY State Heat Vulnerability Index Maps New York State Cooling Center MapFind a Cooling Center - New York City Office of Emergency ManagementSocial Vulnerability Index (SVI) Mapping DashboardHarmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Notifications Page and MapNew York Environmental Resource MapperNorEaST: Stream Temperature Data InventoryBiomap 2Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP)Aquatic Connectivity in the Hudson River Estuary WatershedTerrestrial Habitat Map for the Northeast US and Atlantic CanadaEastern Brook Trout 2006 Status MapUSDA Plant Hardiness ZonesNYC DEP Green Infrastructure Program MapNorthern Manhattan Climate Action Plan - Climate Map of Washington HeightsNorthern Manhattan Climate Action Plan - Climate Map of East HarlemNorthern Manhattan Climate Action Plan - Climate Map of Central HarlemNorthern Manhattan Climate Action Plan - Climate Map of West HarlemNYC Resiliency and Recovery Projects MapGetting to Resilience - A Community Planning Evaluation ToolResilient Land Mapping ToolClimate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation Portal (CMRA)The 2017 lake Ontario FloodLake Ontario Inundation WebmapLake Ontario Flood Forecast MapperCREAT Climate Scenarios Projection MapDisadvantaged Communities CriteriaEJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool